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A large, modern office building with multiple floors and a predominantly glass facade. The building features the logo 'BCI' prominently on its exterior. The sky is a clear, bright blue, and there are some trees visible to the right of the structure.
A large, modern office building with multiple floors and a predominantly glass facade. The building features the logo 'BCI' prominently on its exterior. The sky is a clear, bright blue, and there are some trees visible to the right of the structure.

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Estamos localizados em São Paulo, oferecendo consultoria em gestão empresarial desde 2012. Venha nos visitar para mais informações.


Para correspondência:
Initio Consultoria LTDA CNPJ: 15.546.607/0001-49
Rua Presidente Antonio Candido 357 Apt 171
Alto da Lapa
São Paulo SP
05083-060 Telefone(s): (11) 3385-0400


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